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Friday, May 24, 2013

Mustard Greens, Tofu, and Chicken Soup Recipe (Canh Cai Dau Hu)

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Andrea Nguyen
Author & Teacher
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May 17, 2013Mustard Greens, Tofu, and Chicken Soup Recipe (Canh Cai Dau Hu)


On Monday, my husband haddental surgery and for his post-operation, recovery dinner, I made a comforting(read: easy to chew) tofu, shrimp, and peas stir-fry. The Trader Joe-san mediumtofu came in a 1 1/4-pound (565 g) block and I only needed about a pound. I hada little block left.

What can you do with a chunk ofleftover tofu? You can save it in the fridge, or in my case last Monday, Iadded it to a simple Vietnamese soup with mustard greens and a bit of chickenthigh sitting in the fridge.

Asian mustard greens come inmany varieties. At an East Asian or Southeast Asian market, you see “big gaichoi” or “little gai choi.” Vietnamese markets also have a super mild mustardthat can be eaten raw in lettuce wraps. I enjoy it all and during the coolermonths, like broccoli, these vegetables are extra tasty and sweet.


When buying the greens, lookat the bottoms to make sure they’re freshly cut. Use the greens within severaldays of purchase because they can wilt easily, which is why they’re a favoritefor salting and pickling! This canhquick soup requires no chicken stock or broth, just water. It’s great for a simpledinner. Add glass noodles the next day to leftovers for an easy lunch.

If you don’t have tofu, use acouple extra ounces of chicken. Got no chicken? Use pork. You need a littleprotein for umami goodness.


Mustard Greens, Tofu, and Chicken Soup

Serves 4 to 6 with 2 or 3other dishes


1 tablespoon neutral-flavoredoil1/2 yellow onion, thinlysliced2 to 3 ounces boneless chickenthigh, cut into thumbnail-size pieces1/2 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon fish sauce5 cups water4 or 5 ounces medium-firm or firmtofu, cut into 1/2-inch (1.25 cm) cubes3 firmly packed cups (.75 L)bite-size pieces of mustard greensWhite pepperInstructions
In a 3 to 4-quart saucepan, heatthe oil over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until fragrant and soft, 4 to5 minutes. Add the chicken, salt, and fish sauce. Cook for a minute to let theflavors penetrate. Add the water and bring to a boil. Skim and discard any scumthat floats to the top.Add the tofu and bring to a simmer; if you’re not serving right away, turn off the heat and cover, returning the pot to a simmer before moving on. Add the  mustard greens.Simmer for 5 to 7 minutes, until the mustard greens have softened and turnedjade green; Taste and adjust the flavorswith additional salt, if necessary. Ladle into a serving bowl and garnish withthe white pepper. Serve immediately.

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On Monday, my husband haddental surgery and for his post-operation, recovery dinner, I made a comforting(read: easy to chew) tofu, shrimp, and peas stir-fry. The Trader Joe-san mediumtofu came in a 1 1/4-pound (565 g) block and I only needed about a pound. I hada little block left.

What can you do with a chunk ofleftover tofu? You can save it in the fridge, or in my case last Monday, Iadded it to a simple Vietnamese soup with mustard greens and a bit of chickenthigh sitting in the fridge.

Stay Connected                    Asian Tofu in the News"A whole cookbook devoted to tofu? Yes, please."
— Kate Williams, Serious Eats 2012 Favorite Cookbooks

"Cooking with Tofu (Are You Serious?!)"
— Michael Rulhman on his tofu conversion

"This book should be a priority for anyone with the slightest interest in Asian cuisines."
— Anne Mendelson, Taste & Travel

"The most gratifying part about cooking from Asian Tofu is that all the recipes work the way they’re written."
— T. Susan Chang, Boston Globe

Book info, reviews, radio & TV . . .Classes & Events1/2 day @Cakebreadwines, Rutherford
Sat, May 18, 9:30am-early afternoon: Viet Spring Celebration (cooking class, winery tour & luncheon)

Dumpling Demo & Signing, Loaves & Fishes, Bridgehampton, NY:Sat, July 13, 3-5pm

Dumpling Demo & Signing, Menlo Park, CA
Sat, Aug 3, 11am

5-hrs @SFCooking, San Francisco
Sat, Aug 17, 11am-4pm: Asian Dumplings (waitlist)

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