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Friday, January 25, 2013

Rava Dosa Semolina Crepes with Chile Recipe

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January 14, 2013Rava Dosa Semolina Crepes with Chile Recipe

Indian rava dosa

The temperature began dropping last week and myresponse was to make an warming Indian meal. I hankered for Indian crepes butdidn’t want to ferment and grind batter. Something simple was in order and ravadosas came to mind. The southern Indian crepe is made with readily availableingredients and the batter does not require fermentation. Mix it up and an hourlater, it’s ready.

I had them with a light curry, chutney and raita.The next day we had the crepes for lunch with a dollop of yoghurt that I mixedup into a quick raita, and a salad. I based the recipe below from one in JulieSahni’s magnificent Savoring India cookbook.

She used bell pepper and lots ofserranos and dried chile flakes. I dialed up the fruity fresh chile heat byusing pasilla and Fresnos and lowered the others. Regardless of the chile combination,the result was something to rave about. We didn’t mind eating rava dosas two daysin a row.

Rava dosa collage
I’d never made rava dosa before and there wereextra lacy, crisp versions online. I stuck to Sahni’s recipe because she saidit was an ancient one. It's nice to check out old school renditions of foods to understand their roots. If you don’t know Julie Sahni, she is one of theforemost Indian food authorities, author of Classic Indian Cooking and ClassicIndian Vegetarian and Grain Cooking. A scholarly woman who rocks in thekitchen.

Rava dosa tips and tweaks:

Where to buy semolina and rice flour? At an Indian market or the bulk section of a health food store or a place like Whole Foods. It’s much cheaper than getting semolina for making Italian pasta.When prepping a day in advance, mix the batter and cooking the vegetables. Refrigerate them separately. Return them to room temperature and combine before you make the crepes.For appetizer size portions, make these as small as silver dollar pancakes. Or cut the ones below into wedges.Accompaniments: You can serve this with a sambhar. See the note section of the Dal Dhokli recipe on Asian Dumpling Tips for guidance. Or, enjoy the crepes with a coconut cilantro chutney.


SemolinaCrepes with Chile

Rava Dosa

Yield: 8 crepes, to serve 4


4 ounces (115 g) fine-grind semolina2 ounces (60 g) rice flour, any brand, Asian ornot1 1/2 ounces (45 g) unbleached all-purpose flour2 cups (480 ml) water1 tablespoon canola oil, plus more as needed1 large pasilla chile or 2 large jalapeno chiles,seeded and finely diced2 Fresno or other moderately-hot red chile, seededand finely diced1 extra-large shallot, chopped (1/2 cup / 2.5 oz /75 g)1 or 2 serrano chiles, unseeded, thinly slicedAbout 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, pounded with mortarand pestle1/4 to 3/4 teaspoon dried red pepper flakes2 tablespoons chopped cilantro leavesAbout 3/4 teaspoon salt1/2 cup Greek yoghurt, full fat or 2% preferred


For the batter, put the semolina, rice flour andregular flour in a bowl. Make a well in the center and whisk in the water untilsmooth. Cover and set aside to thicken at room temperature, 1 hour. Orrefrigerate overnight, returning the batter to room temp before using.In a medium nonstick skillet, heat the oil overmedium-high heat. Add all three types of chiles, shallot, dried red chileflakes and cumin. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until slightlysoftened and halfway cooked. Off heat, stir in 1 tablespoon of the cilantro.Let cool briefly then dump into the batter. Taste and season with the salt. Youshould have about 2 2/3 cups (630 ml) of batter, which should be pourable andthick like buttermilk.For a quick yoghurt raita, mix the yoghurt with 1to 2 tablespoons water to soften and turn creamy. Season with salt and if youlike, pound a little more cumin and add to the to the yoghurt. Set aside.  To make the crepes, reheat the nonstick skillet ora griddle over medium-high heat. Brush with a little oil. For each crepe, ladleabout 1/3 cup (80 ml) of the batter onto the pan. Swirl the skillet or use thebottom of the ladle to spread the batter to about the thickness of a beansprout. It does not need to be a perfect circle. Drizzle a teaspoon or so ofoil around the edge, let cook until browned, nearly 2 minutes. Use a spatula toturn over and cook the other side for 30 to 45 seconds longer. Repeat to makemore from the remaining batter. As you work, you can add extra water to thinout the batter and make the dosas a little more crisp or thinner. Adjust theheat accordingly. These crepes soften as they cool. If you want to return a bit of their chewy-crispness, throw them back into the skilet or onto the griddle for a short spell. Serve the crepes with a plop of yoghurt and sprinkle of cilantro.

If you’re anold hand at making or eating rava dosas, do you have tips to add?

Related posts:

Wheat Dumplings with Spiced Lentils (Dal Dhokli)Indian Rice Dumplings (Kuzhi Paniyaram)Modern Indian Chile Pea Puffs Coconut and Cilantro Green Chutney (Lili Chatney) Masala Stuffed Eggplant Northern Indian Egg Curry (Anda Masala) Sailu’s Kitchen post on Rava Dosa has a great recipe and tips Posted in Recipes: All, Recipes: Appetizer and Snack, Recipes: Banh (Crepes, dumplings, cakes, bread) Recipes, Recipes: Fast and Easy, Recipes: Indian, Recipes: Vegan, Recipes: Vegetarian |

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Comments Rava Dosa Semolina Crepes with Chile Recipe

Indian rava dosa

The temperature began dropping last week and myresponse was to make an warming Indian meal. I hankered for Indian crepes butdidn’t want to ferment and grind batter. Something simple was in order and ravadosas came to mind. The southern Indian crepe is made with readily availableingredients and the batter does not require fermentation. Mix it up and an hourlater, it’s ready.

I had them with a light curry, chutney and raita.The next day we had the crepes for lunch with a dollop of yoghurt that I mixedup into a quick raita, and a salad. I based the recipe below from one in JulieSahni’s magnificent Savoring India cookbook.

She used bell pepper and lots ofserranos and dried chile flakes. I dialed up the fruity fresh chile heat byusing pasilla and Fresnos and lowered the others. Regardless of the chile combination,the result was something to rave about. We didn’t mind eating rava dosas two daysin a row.

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