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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Photo Workshops for Food, Styling, Crafts & Video of Bi-Rite Creamery Cookbook!

Happy Sunday everyone! Now that were home for 10 days straight (yes!), we’re finally able to finish off some details of our upcoming photography workshop announcements. We have much to share with you today, but let’s start with the cookbook promo video we produced for Bi-Rite Creamery’s new cookbook!

 In our previous post, we mentioned that we produced the cookbook trailer video for Bi-Rite creamery. It was such an honor to be able to work with the amazing Bi-Rite Creamery team and Ten Speed Press folks.

Chef’s Anne and Kris produce some of the best ice cream in the country. Now they’re sharing many of their terrific and special recipes in their latest book , Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones. We’ve had the book in our possession for the last few weeks and it’s hard to not put it down.

The recipes are made with love, great ingredients and local pride. You can now make their ice creams right in your own home.

Enjoy the video! And take a close look at all the food blogger cameo appearances. Do you see them in the video?

iphone shot- Thanks to friends for joining us at Bi-Rite shoot: John, Michelle SFQ bbq sauce, Darya,  Jenna , Anita, Irvin, , Kirsten Bi-Rite Market, Jessica 

Sweet Cream and Sugar Cones Cookbook Promo Video 


Photography Workshop Preliminary Details: 

So many of you have emailed, messaged and asked us about our next workshops. Sorry to make you wait so long, but we’ve been planning this so that we can properly organize and structure the workshops to make them the best that we can! We’re almost ready to launch and announce those dates next week. Thank you so much for all your patience.

We’ll be offering a variety of dates and different types of photography workshops, specializing for the needs of food bloggers, craft/design bloggers and portrait/lifestyle bloggers. Each discipline of photography has different and unique techniques and methods, so we decided to divide our workshops into different categories so that we can focus on each of your specialties.

Here’s a sneak peak at  what we’ll be offering & announcing next week: 

1. Food Photography & Food Styling Workshop  & Business of Food Photography– Hands on- 2 day workshop at our photography studio in Orange County, CA.

Learn both the art and business of food photography. This exciting 2 day, hands-on workshop will empower you to share your food photography and food stories in the best way that you can.

Topics during this 2 day workshop:

Food Styling & Prop building and making! : learn how to style food, prep it and prop it for the camera. Play in our prop room!

Make your own prop boards/surfaces: learn how to make your own prop boards & surfaces. We’ll have material for you to make, paint and create your own surfaces to keep and take home! (those traveling from out of state must ship your own props back home)

Food Photography: learn your camera, gear, basic principles of natural light, composition and workflow

Food Story, your voice: learn how to share your food story and define your own unique voice with your photographs

Photo Editing, Workflow & Tethering: learn the value of both free-hand and tethered shooting. Learn how to edit and manage your files and create a workflow that best fits your business. We’ll help critique one another’s images.

Business of Food Photography: Discussions on how to make an impressive professional portfolio, platforms, how to sell your images and the food photography business.

Breakfast , Lunch and Dinner will be served for both days.

2. Craft, Design and Lifestyle Product Photography – Etsy & Pinterest inspired! 

This workshop is created for craft, design and lifestyle product bloggers. Define your creative style! Want to learn how to photograph for your craft and lifestyle products to for Pinterest or your Etsy store?

Join us for an intensive 1 day, hands on workshop and learn how to make pretty pictures for your Etsy store or Pinterst.

You will learn basic principles of natural lighting, camera, composition, gear, editing and photographic techniques for your crafts.

Styling- knowing how to style and prop your crafts and products is equally as important as the technical part of photography. Learn how to prop and style your photographs to make them visually stunning.

Bring your crafts/products! ( limited to 2-3 small, hand held items only please) : with time and space permitting, bring your crafts to photograph and practice with.

Location: Our Photography studio

3. Portraiture- Life Faces . Captured.

The people in our lives nourish us with joy and beauty. Documenting those special people, their faces and personalities  are important to remember those valuable moments.

Learn natural posing techniques, camera, gear, composition and lighting. Understand the value of the imperfect  image and the strength of storytelling.

Location : TBD


View the original article here

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