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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hokkaido Soft Bread (Hokkaido Milk Loaf)

May 22nd, 2011 | Baking Recipes | 19 Comments

Hokkaido BreadHokkaido Bread pictures (1 of 3)

If you love Rasa Malaysia, it’s very likely that you love Asian food, and probably love Asian-style pastry. Call me bias but I personally think that Asian-style bread and pastry are better and have a lot more varieties than those you get from regular stores. I am a huge fan of Japanese and Taiwanese bakery shops, they are just great. I am not a great baker so I have my contributor Siew Loon sharing some Asian-style bread and pastry with us. Check out her Hokkaido soft bread or milk loaf, inspired by her recent trip to Hokkaido.

Contributor: Ho Siew Loon

Hi everyone, I am finally back with my baking recipes. I made a trip to Hokkaido just before the earthquake and fell in love with this heavenly place—from the beautiful scenery, the polite and friendly people, to the wonderful food and desserts. One of the things that I fell in love with is the Hokkaido bread or milk loaf, which has inspired me to find the perfect recipe for this soft and yet springy loaf of bread. I finally found it at Angie’s Recipe…thanks for the great recipe. This bread has gained praises from almost everyone who has tasted it and it’s best eaten with butter.

Hokaido Milk Loaf is a soft bread which has probably gotten its name from the pristine nature of Hokkaido.  Hokkaido produces high quality milk . You can use fresh milk to achieve a great result when baking this Hokkaido bread.  It is a bread that can be eaten on  its own or just slightly toasted, spreading a bit of butter to this bread will definitely enhance its taste….

Do try out this Hokkaido milk loaf recipe and it will keep your guest coming back for more.

Adapted from Angie’s Recipes Ingredients:

4 1/2  cups bread flour
1/2 cup all purpose flour
250ml milk
190ml whipping cream
1 large egg
2 Tbsp milk powder
4Tbsp confectioner’s sugar
3 tsp dry yeast
1/2 Tbsp salt


Grease 2 bread tin.Put milk, whipping cream, egg, flour, milk powder, salt, sugar and yeast into the bread machine. Set to Dough function. After the dough has finished it’s kneading cycle, let it proof inside the machine for 45-50 minutes or till it is double in size.Remove from the pan and divide dough into 4 equal portions and shape into a ball.On a lightly floured surface, flatten the ball and roll out in a rectangle shape. Roll it up again tightly like swiss roll.Put it in the greased bread tin. Repeat with the second ball. ( Put 2 balls into a bread tin)Set aside and let it proof for about 1 hr or till it rises till it fills up about 75% of the bread tin.Bake at 190 degree Celsius for about 50-55 minutes if you cover the cake tin. If you do not cover the cake tin, 40 minutes of baking time is enough.

Cook’s Note

If you do not have a bread machine, mix the dry ingredients with wet ingredients and knead on medium speed with a stand mixer until the dough is smooth, non sticky, and elastic.

View the original article here

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