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Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Mobile Locavore: An Exotic Taste from your Local <b>Asian Food</b> Market

Taro is a tropical root crop that is grown widely throughout southeast Asia. The starchy underground tuber is ground up and cooked as a food staple in many cultures.

In North America we see taro primarily in asian cooking, for instance in the savory delicacy known as taro cake.

The main ingredient in this delicacy is rice flour, with taro flour mixed in. The mixture is baked and steamed in a pan about two inches deep. The result is a salty cake with a stiff gelatinous texture. The cake may have bits of shrimp, pork or chinese sausage embedded in it or sprinkled on top.

Taro cake was an entirely new taste for me.

Glad I tried it.

View the original article here

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