Indeed, Spring has arrived in beautiful Southern California.
Regardless of how many lettuce and radish sprouts that mushroom in their plots, it doesn’t feel exactly like spring until the cherry and peach blossoms stretch their petals.
The continiuous cycle of rain and frequent sunny days over the last few months really nurtured the blossom buds to their full, plump capacity. This years bud count was tremendous, it’s hard to keep up after counting to 100. Do we really do that? Count our flower buds? Yes, we do. And consider us addicted, guilty and geeky.
We can’t keep up with the lettuce, mizuna, sugar and snow peas and seem to go through this every year. In fall, we seed the plots with a small handful of seeds. What seems like such small volume back then explodes into a carpet of edible greens in Spring. Never under-estimate the power of a few humble seeds.
And it’s time to offer the mailman some veggies again!
Sierra visits the daffodils and rosemary
sweet onions peeking out
peas and Sierra with her lip stuck
salad of lettice, arugula, mizuna
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